Thursday, October 15, 2009


There is a real freedom in obeying the Lord. This Sunday i truly experienced freedom at church. The Lord was calling me to dance and i was refusing the call for the whole worship set. But he gave me another opportunity after the sermon. Pastor Randi called the worship team back up and they sang maybe 3 more songs, and in that time i knew the Lord was saying it was time to obey. So, i couldn't fight it any longer! i ran to the front and took over the floor with a tribal-looking dance! The Lord is within me, moving me this way and that way. By the end, it was like i had danced my way into a new me, a new way of living, a new FREEDOM. Freedom is the cry of my heart. It has been prophesied over me that i will come into a new sense of freedom, and this freedom will lead others to freedom. Pastor Christine spoke with me after the service and encouraged me and prophesied over me that the Lord is using me to be the leader of a freedom dance. He will use me through dance during worship to free others as well. Then as she was talking to me, a woman from the congregation came up to me and told me that the dance really encouraged her and she felt like she was being set free from the bondages in her life. This is an answer to my doubt! Awesome things happen when we obey the Lord!

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